What is missional church?

A missional church is one that believes:

Mission defines the Church’s existence on earth.

Local churches exist as a result of mission and therefore exist for mission.

They carry the missional DNA of Christ’s body on earth.

God’s people are first and foremost created to be on mission.

A missional church facilitates the fulfilment of God’s purpose

  • to see some from every tribe and language group loving and worshipping Jesus and to prepare a people for the new world and eternity.
  • to see fruitful workers for God’s Kingdom and mature church members.

Every local church is designed to be missional in its generation and specific context.

The task of church leadership is:

  • to facilitate biblical mission themed discipleship of all their people by providing opportunities for their nurture
  • to educate its members on this major theme in the Bible
  • and to equip and release them for works of missional service and to live a fruitful life on mission with God.

When believers embrace the call to live a life on mission with God, they are also being transformed into Christ-likeness. The nations are being reached and the church is being perfected like a 2-edged sword (Kairos course).

God is outworking His 2-fold purpose towards the end of the age when the good news of Jesus has reached all nations and the church is a beautiful bride.

A missional church is when all aspects of church life and activity are aligned to this.

Simply Mobilising has developed a programme for pastors and church leaders called Interface which includes a seminar designed to explore the theology of missional church and an optional follow-up workshop materials, to see congregations embrace missional thinking and help in the practical and appropriately contextualised expression of missional church.


How well is your church doing?

Download here a FREE evaluation chart and checklist of tasks for a mission’s team developing a missional church.

Church Evaluation Form 1

Checklist for developing a missional church