A missional church is a church that seeks to mobilise all its people for mission.
At Simply Mobilising UK we are passionate about seeing …
- All God’s people mobilised for the world Christian movement
- Missional churches meaningfully engaged in Christ’s commission of reaching all peoples and all people
- God’s people changed into God’s likeness as they grasp sight of what God can do through them
- Mobilisation recognised as a valid ministry in the Body of Christ
- Mission mobilisers empowered to function effectively in their God-given ministry.
The Bible is the story of God on mission – his quest to reconcile all things and all people to himself. Throughout history God has used men and women to call his people to worship and obedience. In the Bible many of these mobilisers were known as prophets. Their role was to challenge their contemporaries to play their part in God’s mission. And so it is today – in this same sense the mobiliser speaks prophetically, calling God’s people to pursue God’s purposes.