What We Believe

Vision, Mission, Distinctives & Values

Vision: To see all God’s people living a life on mission with God.

Mission: To provide mobilization courses, teaching and training in order to:

  • mobilize all God’s people to live a life on mission with God
  • encourage the development of missional churches in today’s world
  • empower mobilizers to function effectively in their God-given ministry


Level One Mobilization – This expression of mobilization is concerned with the  development of a truly Biblical worldview that sees every believer living a life on  mission with God and all local churches being missional, facilitating God’s people into  a 24/7 missional lifestyle.

Majority World – SM is a global movement seeking to serve the level-one mobilization  needs of the entire Body of Christ, while at the same time respecting our historic roots  by having a strong majority world voice within our movement.

The Indigenous/National Church – We seek to assist in the mobilization of the  Church in all countries and in every people group. For mobilization to be successful,  we are committed to the importance of indigenous and national leadership.

The Body of Christ – The SM movement belongs to the whole Church worldwide, and  to all expressions of the Body of Christ, irrespective of denomination or affiliation.

Building, Beyond Blessing – SM has a long-term vision of building a global  mobilization movement. Building through strategic teams, well designed structures,  and effective trainings that undergird all our courses and programs, are essential to a  fruitful and sustainable movement.


Kingdom Culture – We value doing things God’s way as revealed in the scriptures,  submitting to Christ, the Head of the Church, valuing people and seeking the leading  of the Holy Spirit in all that we do.

Integrity and Transparency – We highly value the Biblical mandate of integrity in all  areas of life and transparency in all our dealings. We endeavour at all times to maintain  a good reputation and testimony with those within our movement, within the Body of  Christ, and with the secular authorities in all countries where we work.

Training and Mentoring – We value a lifelong attitude of learning, of training and  being trained, of mentoring and being mentored, of coaching and being coached.  This helps us to function effectively and excellently in all that we are called to be and  gifted to do.

Teamwork – We value the growth potential and the general well-being that teams and  teamwork brings to the SM movement. We value teamwork, not just as a good idea,  but as the Biblical way of engaging in kingdom work.

Partnerships – We value collaboration, in areas of mobilisation, with other  expressions of the Body of Christ that are of mutual interest and benefit, and that is  helpful to the outworking of the mission of the Church.

Flexibility and Creativity – We value the grace to change and to adapt in accordance  to the times in which we live and the cultures in which we minister, in order for our  ministry to continue as a viable ‘movement’ at all times and in all contexts.

Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God. That there is one God eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all in one Being.

We believe in the diety of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His atoning death on the Cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His Lordship over His Church and in His personal return in power and glory.

We believe in the salvation of sinful people by God’s grace and through the believer’s faith.

We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and lives of believers, in order to lead holy and obedient lives and to engage fruitfully in the ministry of reconciliation.

We believe in the unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, for the well-being of His body – the Church – our witness to the world and for His glory.

We believe that Christ commanded the Church to go into all the world and make disciples of all peoples; baptizing and teaching those who believe to obey all that Christ commanded.