Recommended Reading

The Abrahamic Revolution by Todd Ahrend

God set His mission into motion when He invited Abraham to lay down his plans for a greater plan a global plan. Abraham’s life was revolutionized! He became the first in a historic line who stepped out to follow God in reaching the nations.

Todd Ahrend helps us understand the missional theme of God’s Word, the task remaining in God’s world, and our calling to God’s work. God’s purpose is one, continuous and all-encompassing movement to redeem people from every tribe, tongue and nation. You are invited to join the legacy that began with Abraham and will end in God s global glory. Join the Abrahamic Revolution!

The Antioch Factor by Ross Paterson

Do you belong to a ‘Jerusalem church’ or an ‘Antioch church’? Is it wrapped up in its own programs or priorities, so that it is ineffective in spreading the Gospel? Or is it so concerned for the lost that its priorities are driven by the mandate of the Great Commission?

In this deeply challenging book, Ross Paterson reveals secrets of the Antioch church and shows how these principles apply to us today – resulting in vibrant, effective churches, causing us to reach out to the ends of the church and making an “Early Church” impact on the modern world.

A Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan

Young Yohannan had no idea what those words of surrender would mean for his life and for millions of others in his generation. Once an insecure 16-year-old, he became a missionary statesman who has impacted the world of missions and whose unbending message has touched hungry hearts on every continent. Through his story you’ll walk right into the book of Acts and hear the heart of God beating for his world.

He chose to take the road less travelled many years ago, and today Gospel for Asia, the mission he founded, is one of the most respected organizations in our time with thousands of national workers and vibrant congregations throughout the heart of the 10/40 Window.

Story Bearer by Phil Knox

Most people find faith because they know another Christian, see the difference Jesus makes, and hear their story. Yet most of us are reluctant faith sharers. This book inspires every Christian to see themselves as a story bearer.

Four distinct stories collide in great evangelism: God’s story, our story, the story of our friends and the story of our culture. Phil Knox expounds them all with humour and candour. Story bearing has the potential to change the lives of those around us.


Peace Child by Don Richardson

A must read book for anyone interested in Christian Mission, in anthropology, or in theology.

It is an exciting account of a voyage into a primitive tribe in New Guinea in the 1960s. Don Richardson was able to explain the Christian Gospel only after he had understood the sociology and spirituality of the tribe, and believes that every people group has a ‘redemptive analogy’ somewhere in their world-view that can be tapped into as a preparation for the gospel of Christ.

Eternity in their Hearts by Don Richardson

Has the God who prepared the gospel for all peoples also prepared all peoples for the gospel? Don Richardson, author of best-selling Peace Child, demonstrates through compelling stories from many different cultures how the concept of a supreme God has existed for centuries in hundreds of cultures throughout the world. From deep in the jungles of Burma to a majestic fortress in Peru and in countless other civilizations, people have exhibited in their histories terms and concepts that have prepared them for the gospel.

Eternity in Their Hearts shows how God uses redemptive analogies to bring all men to Himself, bearing out the truth from Ecclesiastes that God has also set eternity in the hearts of men.

Why did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha and Mohammed Cross the Road by Brian D. McLaren

Christians and Muslims together make up about 57% of the world’s population today, and by the end of the century they will constitute about 66% of the world’s population. More than any other single factor, the wellbeing of our children and grandchildren may depend on how well Christians learn to relate to Muslims – and other faiths.

We know how to have a strong Christian identity that is intolerant of or belligerent towards other faiths, and we know how to have a weak Christian identity that is tolerant and benevolent. But is there a third alternative? How do we discover, live, teach, and practise a Christian identity that is both strong and benevolent towards other faiths?

In this provocative and inspiring book, author Brian McLaren tackles some of the hardest questions around the issue of interfaith relations, and shares a hopeful vision of the reconciliation that Jesus offers to our multi-faith world.

A Wind in the House of Islam by David Garrison

This book is a game-changer for Christians who seek to engage with Muslims at home and abroad. It identifies mistakes in evangelism that, for centuries, deterred Muslims from embracing the Gospel, then sets out to show what the Qur’an reveals. Because of Qur’anic testimony, Christian evangelism among Muslims needs to begin here.

From a wide selection of Islamic cultural and political backgrounds the author shows the impact of this approach to evangelism which, upon being applied, is resulting in many groups of Muslims turning from following Muhammad to trusting in Christ for their salvation. This work of evangelism is largely carried out by indigenous ex-Muslims, however, western Christians are contributing to its success by the publishing of Bibles and religious literature, including broadcasts and films, in vernacular languages.

The Lightless Sky by Gulwali Passarlay

As a child of just 12 years, Gulwali was sent away from Afghanistan after his father was killed in a gun battle with US Army.  He made a 12 month journey across Europe often in the hands of people smugglers, spending time in prisons, suffering hunger, making a terrifying journey across the Mediterranean in a tiny boat and enduring a month in the camp at Calais. Somehow he survived and made it to Britain, where he was fostered, sent to school and won a place at a top university.  His story is a deeply harrowing and incredibly inspiring tale of our times.

It is not a Christian book, but hugely impactful giving insight into the plight of refugees and the journey many have taken in recent years.