The Mobiliser

In the Old Testament we see that God chose Israel to be a blessing and a light to the nations. The role of the prophet was to call all God’s people back to God and challenge them to live for the purpose for which they were called.

At their very core the OT prophets were mobilisers! In this sense, the prophetic ministry of the New Testament is precisely the same (Acts 15:32). The mobiliser focuses on energising God’s people into obedient, sacrificial and enthusiastic participation in God’s mission purposes.

Mobilisation is both apostolic and prophetic. These two ministries, given by the risen Christ (Eph 4:11), provide both leadership for the world Christian movement and a foundation, along with Christ himself, for the church in each and every generation (Eph 2:20).

1. Discovery & Envisioning Formation of Biblical Worldview
Understanding the mission of God and the mission of God’s people
Prophetic mobilisation
2. Development & Equipping Ministry preparation, training, skill development, specific calling identified
(Same or cross-cultural)
Apostolic mobilisation
3. Deployment & Engagement Seeing God’s people released into fruitful ministry in God’s mission
(Same or cross-cultural)
Apostolic mobilisation


Mobilisers have not always been recognised as prophets, yet they represent and champion a God-ordained ministry in the body of Christ. They have a powerful role to play in enabling all God’s people to be on mission with God.

Simply Mobilising exists primarily as an expression of this prophetic ministry of discovery and envisioning in order to champion its legitimacy. It also makes it available to the whole church and to all God’s people by raising and training a ‘Tribe of Mobilisers’.

Simply Mobilising recognises four components for growth as a Mobiliser:

  • Affirming mobilisers in their ‘calling’ by providing opportunities to discover and identify their ‘call’ and to grow both individually and as a community (Tribe) in this ministry.
  • Training for mobilisers to become fully equipped for fruitful mobilisation ministry
  • Availability of multiple mobilising products (courses and programmes) – adding to the mobiliser’s tool box
  • Acceptance of mobilisation as a recognised ministry within the body of Christ.