INTERFACE is the name of a core program of Simply Mobilising that focuses on the development of Missional Churches – it seeks to answer the question, “What does a ‘mobilised church’ or a ‘church on mission with God’, look like”?
INTERFACE can fit into an existing denominational or local church structure. It will simply enhance an existing model for greater emphasis on outreach and the participation of all God’s people on mission with God.
INTERFACE is designed to accommodate existing denominational/church values, procedures and policies. It is more the introduction of biblical ideas than a standard model for all churches!
Max Chismon (the founder of Simply Mobilising) is the writer of INTERFACE and gives a brief overview.
A. The Delivery of INTERFACE
INTERFACE is expressed through introductory presentations, seminars and a workshop.
1) Introductory Presentations
These introductory Interface presentations are designed to be delivered at regular pastors or ministerial gatherings and to fit within a time frame allocated.
These introductory presentations can act as ‘tasters’ for a more comprehensive half day or full day seminar.
2) Seminars
The Interface seminars can be either half day (3 hrs) or full day (5 hrs) and are designed as a more comprehensive look at the Interface program. In brief, the seminars deal with the theology of a missional church and a structure of church that allows for the nurture, equipping and releasing of God’s people into fruitful ministry.
3) Workshop
The Interface workshop is designed to be conducted over two to three days. It involves classroom teaching, discussion, interaction and workshops. The workshops provide pastors and church leaders with the opportunity for practical application in designing a missional church in the context of the church they lead.
B. Basic Core Beliefs of INTERFACE
1) The Bible is a Story about God on Mission
The Bible is a story about God on mission. Jesus taught his disciples to interpret the Bible in the context of mission. We must therefore interpret the Bible in the exact same way (Lk 24: 44-47).
2) All Believers are Called to be Involved in Mission with God
The Bible is a story about God on mission and God on mission with his people. God’s strategy for mission has always been and will always be HIS PEOPLE (Gen 12:2-3, Acts 1: 8). The New Testament marked the inauguration of the ministry of all believers. The Holy Spirit was given for the primary purpose of empowering God’s people to be on mission with God (Ac 1:8, 2:17-21).
3) The Local Church Exists for Mission
Local churches exist by mission and therefore for mission. Local churches are therefore inherently missional as they carry the missional DNA of Christ’s Church on earth (Jn 20:21, Mt 28:18-20, 1The 1:8).
4) Local Churches Must Prepare God’s People for Works of Service (mission)
Missional Churches are identified by their willingness and ability to nurture, equip and release their people to be on mission with God. This they see as their primary calling as a local church (Eph 4:16).
Watch this space for the Next Course or click on the link to register your interest.
Look out for our upcoming seminars.
INTERFACE is conducted by selected and trained SM Mobilizers especially trained for this program.
We would like to help you and support you and your church to become a fully functioning missional church. The workshop will be geared to your needs and can be adjusted to your context.
Contact us if you would like to find out more at:
Email: kairosuk.office@gmail.com
Basic Overview of Seminar and Workshop
Seminar: Aspects Covered
1) Biblical
The Old Testament can be viewed as a Book of Promise. The New Testament as a Book of Fulfillment. In the Old Testament God promised a worldwide outpouring of His mercy upon all the peoples and people of the world (Gen 12:2-3, Isa 49:6, Dan 2:31-35). The New Testament fulfills that promise through the gospel going into all the world and among all peoples (Ac 1:8) and as a witness to God’s coming age through the transformed lives of God’s people in all communities (Mt 24:14).
2) Historical
The growth of the early Church was significant and came about essentially because the Church was missional and all believers saw that being on mission with God was part of their call to salvation (1Thes 1:8, Ac 19:10).
3) Strategic
In keeping with the Biblical understanding of ‘God on mission with his people’ – what might a ‘missional local church’ look like? How should a church structure itself and what ministries should it provide in order for God’s people to be prepared for fruitful mission with God.