5 Loaves and 2 Fishes

5 Loaves and 2 Fishes
January 10, 2023 June Whittaker

“How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.”
When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.”
                                                                                            Mark 6:38

I do believe that our Sleeping Giant, after so long, is truly being awakened and Rev Tommy McNeil’s visit to Perth left me deeply encouraged.  Tommy shared his testimony and vision with an audience of over 300 (no spare seats) and I had the opportunity to talk with him as he signed a few copies of his book (Sleeping Giant – Call to the Church to Awake and Arise!) at the end.  I told him about our Sleeping Giant and he shared that numerous people had told him that they too had seen a Sleeping Giant – all I can say is Wow and thank you Lord for placing this vision on the hearts of so many.  My favourite chapter has to be ‘God’s Retirement Plan’ and the need for my generation to mentor and encourage our young people.

My prayer is that there will be an almighty connection of all those with similar visions – I sense there are pieces of a jigsaw, which by uniting will lead us to a complete picture.   I also sense SMUK will have a pivotal role in completing the jigsaw.  Things are stirring in our indigenous church and I am excited that doors are beginning to open for us to enter.

SM UK, together with many other charities and voluntary organisations is facing a number of financial challenges as we come out of covid and face the effects of high inflation.  It is difficult to budget when there is so much uncertainty and we need to be able to deliver more courses to enable us to cover our running costs.

Writing this update, I am on a train on my way home from a Retreat near Leicester where we looked at Mark 6:35-44.  I was encouraged by being reminded that SMUK may have limited resources but our God is the God of multiplication and is more than capable of using the resources we have available to achieve His desired goals as our Sleeping Giant awakes.

Prayer Points:

  • Wisdom and discernment for the Finance Sub-Committee as they look at ways of stabilising our financial situation and using our resources effectively and sustainably
  • Divine multiplication
  • For our focus and goals to be in alignment with His short and long term vision for SMUK as we continue to develop as a Mobilising organisation
  • Help in identifying additional donors
  • Faith Goals for number of courses to be delivered to be achieved